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Application Stages for Postgraduate Programs

An account must be created by clicking the link https://obs.ihu.edu.tr/oibs/ina_app/ and selecting the Create a new account section. International candidates should change the page to an English version and create an account.

After completing your membership, the system will direct you to the information entry and document upload areas.

Identity Information: Turkish ID Number (Passport Number for International Applicants) Name, Surname, Gender, Nationality, Mother-Father, Name and Place/Date of Birth

Contact Information: Address, Postal Code, Province, District, Cell Phone

Application Information (for applicants applying to master's programs): Ibn Haldun University I will take the Language Exam option.

ALES Information (for Turkish Citizens): Exam Type, Exam Result Date, and Score

YDS Information (If YDS score is required in the program requirements): Exam Type (YDS, e-YDS, TOEFL IBT, YÖKDİL)

Graduation Information: Graduation Type (Bachelor's, Master's), University Name, Faculty, Department, Graduation Year, Grade System, Average

Documents to be uploaded: 

  • Identity Document (Passport Number for International Candidates)
  • Undergraduate Diploma and Transcript for Master’s Degree, Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma and Transcript for PhD
  • ALES certificate (for Master's and Doctorate Programs with Thesis for Turkish Citizens)
  • Foreign language exam certificate
  • Letter of Intent
  • TÖMER certificate (If TÖMER certificate at C1 level is required in the requirement of the program to which international candidates will apply)

Job Information: Company/Institution Name 

Reference Information: Reference Name/Surname, Phone, E-Mail address

After completing the application, the information and document submitted are checked by the Graduate School and shared with the relevant Department. The written and/or oral scientific evaluation exam dates are notified to the candidates via e-mail by the Graduate School. The dates are also shared on the web page simultaneously.

Candidates accepted to the program after being evaluated by the Head of the Department according to the written and / or oral scientific evaluation exam results are forwarded to the Graduate School. The results are announced on the web page. Acceptance letters are sent to the accepted candidates via e-mail.

Candidates accepted to the program must submit the original registration documents to the Registrar's Office in person within the date range specified in their acceptance letters. Candidates who cannot register within the set date range can request late registration/registration postponement. Otherwise, their right to enroll in the program will be forfeited.

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